Termite Control

Arkansas is in a bad spot for termites. To control termites, we use the innovative Termidor Termite Control System from BASF and Bora-Care from Nisus.
New construction? Existing structure? Do you already have a termite problem? Want to protect your investment? We’ll keep you protected from termites.
When it comes to termites, the statistics are truly baffling. It’s evident that what you don’t know about termites can cost you!
Did you know?

Building a New Home?

For new construction, it is vitally important to properly protect your investment. You need to use only the best protectants and apply them with the highest standards of expertise. The Bug Man, Inc. uses Termidor and Bora-Care two of the most trusted products on the market today. We also install TAP Insulation to protect your new home from pests, termites, and improve energy efficiency.
Selling or Buying a New Home?
We offer competitive pricing and professional knowledge and assistance for your letter of clearance needs. We guarantee a timely and accurate inspection. Call us at 501-663-9464 for a professional evaluation of your home. Realtor discounts are available.
Want to make your home more attractive to prospective buyers? Consider the advantages of installing TAP Thermal Acoustical Pest Control Insulation.
Termidor is one of the most tested termite solutions in history.

Before Termidor was made available to American homeowners through Termidor Certified Professionals, it was subject to some of the toughest tests in history. For 8+ years, grueling USDA-Forest Service ground board and concrete slab trials in four states tested Termidor. At every application rate and every last location, Termidor proved 100% effective.
How Termidor’s “Transfer Effect” works.

The active ingredient in Termidor is fipronil and it works quite differently from other termiticide active ingredients. Most termiticides are repellents, which means they keep termites away from a treated area, rather than killing them. These repellent termiticides also kill termites. However, since the termites are repelled when they come in contact or just before actually contacting pyrethroid treated soil, the ‘killing power’ is less dramatic and if anyone took the time to count dead termites, less efficient.
Termidor is non-repellent. Termites can’t detect it. Since they don’t know it’s there, they forage freely in a treated area. Like other leading liquid termiticides, Termidor is lethal to termites when they ingest it (which they do readily since they don’t know it’s there). But, unlike all other termiticides, Termidor is lethal by contact as well. Once a termite comes into contact with Termidor, they carry it back to the colony on their bodies. Every other termite it contacts will itself become a carrier, contacting and infecting others. This is known as “The Transfer Effect”.
Termidor – 100% Results After 8+ Years.
With Termidor, termites are killed, dead. No excuses, and a lot less waiting around. Government and other tests in the US and abroad have shown that in 8 years there has been no break or reduction in Termidor’s effectiveness.
Termidor is a responsible, low dose treatment.
Termidor is effective at very low application rates. Typically, when your pest control professional applies Termidor, the active ingredient fipronil will be just 0.06%. That’s a lot lower than old-fashioned termiticides and less than most insecticides. Termidor also binds to the soil, so there’s no leaching through rainfall or irrigation.
Bora-Care – An environmentally friendly termite treatment

Formulated with a concern for the environment, Bora-Care is used for the interior and exterior control of subterranean termites, drywood termites, Formosan termites, wood destroying beetles and decay fungi. Perfect for termite remedial and pre-treatments, Bora-Care eliminates the wood as a food source for pests. Over ten years of efficacy studies prove wood destroying organisms cannot develop resistance against Bora-Care. Bora-Care is accepted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a primary tool against termites in new home construction. It’s specifically listed by the International Building Codes as a suitable alternative to soil treatments.
Bora-Care provides protection against:
Bora-Care protects the wood as long as it is in service.
Bora-Care is a borate-based termiticide, insecticide and fungicide concentrate applied directly to the wood by your pest management professional. Its patented glycol formula penetrates deep into the wood providing long lasting protection.